Workout Routines

Is Bodyweight Harder than Weights?

When it comes to fitness and strength training, the debate between bodyweight exercises and lifting weights has been ongoing for years. Some swear by the simplicity and effectiveness of bodyweight workouts, while others prefer the iron in the gym. In this article, we’ll explore the question: Is bodyweight harder than weights? We’ll delve into the world of bodyweight training and discuss its challenges, benefits, and how it stacks up against traditional weightlifting.

Bodyweight Training: The Basics

Bodyweight training is a form of exercise that relies solely on the resistance provided by your own body. It involves performing a variety of exercises that use your body weight as the primary source of resistance. These exercises include push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, planks, and more. Bodyweight training is incredibly versatile and can be adapted to suit individuals of all fitness levels, making it accessible for everyone.

Challenges of Bodyweight Training:

  1. Initial Strength Requirements: One common misconception is that bodyweight exercises are easier for beginners. In reality, some bodyweight exercises, like pull-ups or pistol squats, can be quite challenging for those who lack the initial strength.
  2. Progression: As you become more proficient with bodyweight exercises, it can be tricky to progressively increase the resistance. Unlike weights, where you can simply add more weight plates, bodyweight training requires creativity and advanced variations to keep challenging your muscles.
  3. Plateaus: Plateaus are common in any workout routine, but breaking through them with bodyweight training can be more challenging, as you must constantly adapt and increase the complexity of your exercises.

Benefits of Bodyweight Training:

  1. Convenience: One of the most significant advantages of bodyweight training is its convenience. You can perform bodyweight exercises virtually anywhere, without the need for specialized equipment or a gym membership.
  2. Functional Strength: Bodyweight exercises promote functional strength and improve your ability to move and perform daily activities more efficiently.
  3. Improved Joint Health: Many bodyweight exercises are lower impact, reducing the stress on joints compared to lifting heavy weights.
  4. Core Engagement: Bodyweight exercises often require greater core engagement, helping you build a strong and stable core.

Weights vs. Bodyweight: The Verdict

The debate over whether bodyweight training is harder than lifting weights ultimately comes down to personal preferences and fitness goals. Both forms of exercise have their place in a well-rounded fitness routine. Here’s a comparison to help you decide:

Bodyweight Training Is Harder When:

  1. You’re just starting and lack initial strength.
  2. You’re looking for a convenient workout that can be done anywhere.
  3. You want to focus on functional strength and overall body conditioning.

Weightlifting Is Harder When:

  1. You’re looking to build maximal strength and muscle mass.
  2. You enjoy the structure and progression that comes with lifting weights.
  3. You have access to a well-equipped gym with barbells, dumbbells, and machines.


Is bodyweight harder than weights? The answer depends on your fitness goals and preferences. Bodyweight training offers unique challenges and benefits, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a convenient, functional, and effective workout routine. In the end, a balanced approach that combines both bodyweight exercises and weightlifting can provide the best of both worlds, helping you achieve your fitness objectives and overall well-being.